
A little madness, a little kindness, makes for happiness

Thursday, February 24, 2005

See, you're my favorite star...

It's raining in Rome today. 81 degrees and sunny in PuntaCana. San Diego? Well, good ol' SD is a bit confused. You see, the weather report still calls for showers and thunderstorms, but upon venturing out of my office-cave for lunch...I see that it's beautiful out there. And it's quite amazing how a few minutes in the sun can change my mood. I feel so good on sunny days. I made it a point to leave all my sunglasses at home for these few days. That way, when the sun peaks it's shining face out of the looming clouds, I'll be able to enjoy it and all it's glory. Yes, I may occasionally squint a bit thus creating tiny imperfections in the space between my brows, but at least my body, eyes and soul will get to share in it's brilliant glow...even if only for a few moments.

Song o' the day...Sweet Dreams by Gregory Page.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...

Without anything too exciting to chat about, here's how my weekend played out. Friday. Hmmm...let me think. What does Shannon normally do on Friday evenings? ahhh yes. Sleep. Had a lovely night of sleep and awoke to what sounded like a houseful of people at casa de Grand ave. But alas, no one was found as I emerged from the sleeping cave I borrowed for the night. Two tvs on (at least), lots of lights on, but no people. Hmmm...I started to think maybe I was dreaming or better yet, was in a sort of "Lost" type situation. I got over it pretty quickly though and went home without further investigation. Then, I decided to run a few errands. Enlarged some new photos for a new "art piece" in the living room...went to kinkos and FedEx for some muy importante document copying and sending (if everyone could please just cross your fingers for me, pray, rub the buddha belly, search for a four leaf clover, etc...that would be grrreat) chai tea....drove down to bird rock...bought a bathing suit and picked up my favorite Hemp lotion...came home and did my taxes...bought concert tix...watched a couple episodes of SATC...went to Clarks...watched some super awesome basketball skills competitions (who is Josh Smith and why is he so awesome?!!)...ate...played cards with the boys and Robin...went to a party(?)...attempted to go to a bar until Clark and I realized, hey, we don't even like going to bars anymore so we ran away from our friends (no, really. ran.) and got pizza. You thought my Saturday sounded awesome...wait until you hear about Sunday. Woke up around 9am...went with Pat, Kevin, and Clark for bagels and tea...went to the border for some shopping at the outlets (my first time there. don't go. it smells weird.)...picked up yummy to my tummy in & out (which I quickly discovered doesn't fill me up very much. Somehow, I feel like I could easily down 2 or 3 burgers from that place)...made mix cds...watched the all-star game (or parts of it I should say)...hung out with the guys and one of my favorite couples, Steve and Mel...updated my iPod...lit a few candles and fell asleep to the soothing sounds of my new sleepytime mix. Yes, that was my weekend. Nothing too exciting, but exactly the way I needed it to be since I won't be home the next two weekends...Las Vegas and Seattle here we come!!'s Monday and I get to work while most of the people I know are still sleeping or vacationing or something super cool like that...but I vow to not complain since I have the next two Monday's off.

Shout Out (do people still say "shout out"??) time... happy, happy birthday to the lovely lana~banna!! I hope everyone enjoys this fine Monday off of school and work in honor of Lana's b-day!!

Song o' the day ~ Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk...Rufus Wainwright.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Posted: have been granted immunity for this challenge...

(*Survivor* logo know the one...'outwit - outplay - outlast', desert island, palm trees, etc...)

No, but work is going well... thanks for asking. How bout you?

Song o' the day...EZ ~ Pete Yorn
(yeah, it may not be new...but fantastic nonetheless)